Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tarrot Stories: Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles- My Version

To commemorate the day, when the lord of Benevolence and fulfilment, the monk Ibrahim and the nun Teresa, by the orders of their holy institution have begun building the temple of happiness.
One night, in their dreams each got a piece of pattern depicting the good lord above. The next day, they both drew these patterns individually on a two pieces of paper, and took it John, the young but talented mason. Divided they didn't make any meaning, but when John combined them both, the omnipresent god's good will shown from it. John, then carved the symbol onto the temple walls, as the priest and the nun showed it to to him standing near the pillar.

The upright card depicts- Happiness, Team Work, and Fulfilment in the venture.

In the beginning, when there was nothing, mother the day (depicted in orange) and father the night (depicted in black robes) went to the great lord who was building the earth, a place where life was to spring forth. They wanted to contribute to the lord's master piece. So they drew the pattern showing, fulfilment, tranquillity and a good beginning and presented it to Lord the mason of life's to imbibe into his masterpiece.

Happiness, Team Work, and Fulfilment in the venture.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

As I Ponder whether to sleep or not

Its 11:30 in the night and I am most perplexed by how self destructive I have become.

Mismatched frequencies - A Head ache

It seems there is first time for everything. I generally make a policy to try and mingle with people having similar frequencies. Well isn't it obvious in the world..."Birds of the same feather flock together" right? Well what should I do when I am forced to live with one stupid, idiotic, pompous and what not chap. The fellow in discussion has an ego the size of a cricket ground, and I think a bit inferiority complex. A bit which is playing havoc right now. Today morning a simple problem arouse; so inconsequential that I forget about it thinking it just happened at the heat of the moment. Know what, cometh the afternoon the small one became a huge room matter (Well I do live along with 6 of my acquaintances). And the whole problem was just miscommunication. So, we sat for the afternoon "Solve the problem" session together and immediately it became clear what His problem was. Hey, how was I supposed to know his phobias with out him telling me. And as soon as I understood the problem, I consented to his demands (blame my sympathetic heart). End of discussion as far as I am concerned, but No he doesn't leave the subject. He worries over it like a dog with a bone, vexing not only me but also others. Guess, some people really don't understand when a problem is done and over within few minutes. Ah well! everything ended well as far as I am concerned... Now, I am thinking whether I should offer him a "Olive branch" to him or not